Root Canal Treatment “RCT”


Root Canal Treatment is a medical service performed by a dental endodontist to prevent or relief dental pain and gum abscess when a tooth is suffering from a deep dental fracture or dental caries including trauma accidents

Case #2

By |2023-10-04T17:27:44+03:00October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Dental case|Tags: , |

82 years old male healthy patient complaining of frequent sharp pain when drinking cold or hot drinks from his upper left first molar [#26], biting on causes mild discomfortable due to food getting stuck in between his bridge and gums. Periapical radiograph reveals heavy calcification with pulp stone and periapical radiolucency. Treatment was done under dental microscope for around 60 minutes under local anesthesia without adrenalin and rubber dam to isolate the molar, root canal was disinfected and shaped using TruNatomy Prime® rotary file, then obturated using heat treated vertical condensation technique with resin based sealer AH Plus®, then finally covered with composite as a final filling. Due to chronic abscess involved in this case with an old patient, the patient was undergone supervision for 24h postoperative, the patient was fine the next day without postoperative flare up.

Case #1

By |2023-10-04T17:26:14+03:00October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Dental case|Tags: , |

Patient in the middle of 30's complaining of frequent sharp pain when drinking cold or hot drinks from her upper right first molar [#16], biting on causes discomfortable due to food getting stuck in between her teeth and gums. Patient left the tooth untreated for 2 month, then returned with severe lingering pain especially when drinking hot drinks, including touching it even slightly with her tongue causes severe pulsing pain. Treatment was done in less than 60 minutes under local anesthesia and rubber dam to isolate the molar, MB2 was found under dental microscope, root canal was disinfected and shaped using ProTaper NEXT® rotary file [X2], then obturated using heat treated vertical condensation technique with resin based sealer AH Plus®, then finally covered with glass ionomer temporary filling as her gums needs to be treated before her final filling.

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